Thursday, August 15, 2013

5 Steps To Stop Pulling Out Eyelashes Pulling Eyelashes Cure

Pulling out eyelashes is a form of Trichotillomania. This disorder sees the sufferer compulsively hair pulling or plucking hair from the body and head. The urge for pulling eyelashes or any bodily hair can begin at any time and is normally a symptom of anxiety and stress. As a result of this condition, the sufferer is left with no eyelashes or bald patches.

Cure For Pulling Out Eyelashes

Pulling eyelashes can be cured by various treatments, just like any other addictive disorder.

1. Medicinal - Reuptake inhibitor drugs Doctors will primarily prescribe drugs such as Prozac and Zoloft as treatment for Trichotillomania. These Seratonin reuptake inhibitors have been proven to be effective in treating the possible cause of pulling out eyelashes that is a Seratonin difficiency.

2. Emotional TriggersBoredom, stress, anxiety, depression, low self-esteem and pain are what make trying to stop pulling out eyelashes very difficult. Sufferers worry about what other people think which worsens the problem and only builds on the emotional anguish. By realizing the emotional triggers that start you pulling eyelashes, you can learn to work on curing yourself.

3. AcceptanceAccepting that you have a problem is a major step to stop pulling eyelashes. No one thinks any less of you for doing it, so confide in friends and family. The longer you hide from your problem of, the longer it will take to treat. With acceptance, you will start to feel better emotionally which in the end will help you physically stop pulling out eyelashes.

4. Relaxation and DistractionsA vital step to stop pulling eyelashes is that you learn to relax and free yourself from any anxiety, stress or emotional anguish. By distracting yourself and engaging in other activities, you will be too occupied to be pulling out eyelashes.

5. Use LubricantThis method can be very effective to stop pulling out eyelashes. By applying a coat Vaseline to the eyelashes, they become slippery and make pulling eyelashes extremely difficult. A negative would be that this creates more frustration for the sufferer and hair gets pulled from other parts of the body. Only some methods work effectively to stop pulling out eyelashes. The key to Trichotillomania treatment is about accepting and understanding the disorder.

By learning to relax and keep occupied with other activities, the faster you will be able to stop pulling eyelashes.I have had a terrible time as a woman with trichotillomania ever since my teens. I didn't realize how bad it was until recently. Shortly after accepting I had a problem and taking the treatment step-by-step, I am now cured. I want for other sufferers to be cured like I was.